Treffpunkt Niemandsland - Brennerpass 1997 - Einsiedlerbibliothek




In etwa 2 Stunden Entfernung vom Brennerpass liegt die Einsiedlerbibliothek.

For more than two thousand years, Brenner has been a border town, a weather barrier, and a place of commerce and exchange. Its history reaches back to the Stone Age. The Romans crossed the Brenner Pass to expand their empire to the North, sixty German emperors climbed the mountain ridge to be crowned in Rome. The yearning for the light of the Mediterranean lured artists such as Goethe and Duerer up to Brenner and down into Italy. The historic meeting between Hitler and Mussolini is also attached to the name of this town. (Stefan Micheel/Hans Winkler) chose the Brenner for an artistic project that took place between August 1 and September 15, 1997. To them Brenner seems to embody some strong contradictions.: the silence of the seclusion and the roaring traffic, the fumes of car exhaust and the fresh smell of the mountains, the bare functionality of the border town architecture and the seemingly idyllic neighboring hamlets, the scattered population of the area, and the dense streams of trafffic pointing north and invited ten artists from the neighboring countries Italy and Austria, as well as from Germany and the United States to join them for a creative dispute on the most important passage in the eastern alps. They investigated various aspects of the border town and its surroundings through an artistic perspictive and created a number of out door installations for the town. The common starting point for the installation was a place called Basislager Nord on the Brenner pass. Two mail train cars had been sent from Verona to the pass for that purpose. These cars served as a meeting and information center and as an exhibition space for sculptures and smaller pieces by the artists.The project was triggered by the idea to convert an abandoned cabin 7000 feet above sea level into a reclusive library. renovated the cabin and equipped it with a bed, a heater, a desk, and shelves, as well as books recommended by twenty three writers and philosophers such as Rudolf Bahro, Carl Amery, T.C. Boyle. Directions and the key to the cabin have been available in the bar at the Brenner railroad station. A two hour walk from the hectic activities of the border town , the cabin was accessible in summer 1997- 2001. artists: Peter Kaser, Maurizio Cattelan, Walter Niedermayr, 4walls - Mike Ballou , Adam Simon , Ute Weissleder, Bernhard Kathan, Dan Peterman...
